Monday, December 19, 2011


This brings me to another important topic that I hinted on in a comment of the last post. Accountability. Should Christians have a partner that makes them accountable for things they have or haven’t done?

As some of you may know, it’s been a few days since my last post and it really got me thinking about this. What if I had someone calling me or meeting me on a daily or weekly basis, asking me if I had met the goals we set last time we met?

I think I’d be more apt to do the things I set out to do if I knew that someone was going to be asking me about them later. This person would have to be someone that you could bare your soul to, but at the same time, not let you off the hook when your getting lazy.

This person would support you through mistakes, and work with you to get back on the right track. I like the idea, and will try my best to put it into practice this week.

I always have big aspirations of what I’m going to do for God on Sunday, then Monday comes. Period. I think this will help me stay on track through the week to grow spiritually.


  1. People should always be responsible for anything that they have done wrong. If there was no correction in the world where would we as people be.

  2. Why are people so concerned long as you get yours why does any of it matter.

  3. Learning is something that people do and they should continue to do. I feel as though people make the mistake of looking upon others and saything that they shouldn't do this or that they shouldn't care about others and that you should just worry about yourself.

    I know things that I have done wrong and I know mistakes that I have made. I do my best to learn from them and move ahead and do better.
